Ebook BookGlobal Perspectives on Gender and Work Readings and Interpretations

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Download PDF Global Perspectives on Gender and Work Readings and Interpretations

Download PDF Global Perspectives on Gender and Work Readings and Interpretations

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Published on: 2010-04-16
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Original language: English
Download PDF Global Perspectives on Gender and Work Readings and Interpretations

Central to all our lives, work affects our status in the state, the family, and the economy. This comprehensive reader examines the myriad ways in which work—whether it is well-paid, unpaid, or underpaid—profoundly influences our roles in both the public and private spheres. Jacqueline Goodman has selected a key set of essays that examine influential arguments on such central themes as (1) the origins of the gendered division of labor; (2) historical trends and economic transformations that affect and are affected by women's position in market and non-market work; (3) the effects of occupational and job segregation by sex on status, pay, and promotion; (4) the ways in which formal and informal organizational culture shape and in turn are shaped by gender in professional and managerial positions; (5) class consciousness among wage-earning men and women; (6) the different forms of gender discrimination that women and men face in the workplace; (7) the problems working parents face and the ways in which different societies, subcultures, and genders cope; and (8) alternative approaches to improving the lives of working women and their families in the global economy. With its rich interdisciplinary perspective, this text is ideal for courses in sociology, political science, anthropology, and women's and gender studies.Contributions by: Amel Adib, Kevin Bales, Dorothy Sue Cobble, Sharon M. Collins, Ruth Schwartz Cowan, Susan Eisenberg, Ashley English, Yen Le Espiritu, Anne Fausto-Sterling, Nancy Folbre, Carla Freeman, Michele Ruth Gamburd, Jacqueline Goodman, Janet C. Gornick, Yvonne Guerrier, Luigi Guiso, Shannon Harper, Heidi Hartmann, Ariane Hegewisch, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo, Jacqueline Jones, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Ivy Kennelly, Alice Kessler-Harris, Michael Kimmel, Eleanor Leacock, Judith Lorber, Susan E. Martin, Marcia K.Meyers, Ferdinando Monte, Martha C. Nussbaum, Jennifer Pierce, Pun Ngai, Barbara Reskin, Tracey Reynolds, Leslie Salzinger, Paola Sapienza, Joan W. Scott, Tyson Smith, Margaret Talbot, Louise A. Tilly, Christine L. Williams, Muhammad Yunus, and Luigi Zingales. team building activities ideas games business games and ... More free team building activities ideas team games exercises business games and activities for team building training motivation teaching kids activities and ... Purdue OWL The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material and they provide these as a free service of the Writing Lab at ... Third gender - Wikipedia Third gender or third sex is a concept in which individuals are categorized either by themselves or by society as neither man nor woman. It also describes a social ... Literary Theory Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Literary Theory "Literary theory" is the body of ideas and methods we use in the practical reading of literature. By literary theory we refer not to the meaning of a ... Statement on Standards of Professional Conduct - AHA News & Advocacy. AHA in the News. Press at the AHA Annual Meeting; Member Action. Perspectives Advocacy Tax Content List Widget; AHA Rallies to Protect International ... Sexism - Wikipedia Sexism or gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender. Sexism can affect any gender but it is particularly documented as ... Supercourse: Epidemiology the Internet and Global Health This course is designed to provide an overview on epidemiology and the Internet for medical and health related students around the world based on the concept of ... Care Ethics Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy Care Ethics. The moral theory known as the ethics of care implies that there is moral significance in the fundamental elements of relationships and ... Xavier University - Academics - Undergraduate ... Xavier University now offers a minor in Asian Studies that allows students to pursue their interest in Asian cultures languages and history while also satisfying ... MA in Global Political Economy : International relations ... Programme outline. Fundamental questions are being raised as to the ability of the global political economy to cope successfully with an everincreasing number of ...
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